Are you a murderer?

There are many different kinds of people in the world but lets get general Guilty and Not Guilty (Innocent) Lets talk murder do you know... wait... is that a gun Get away AHHHH i dont wanna die

Are YOU a murderer???????? Find out when you take my quiz. Lets all hope you arent. But well if you are good to know ahead of time. Aint that the truth. My sibling should take this quiz.

Created by: Tyler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Name your usual mood.
  2. How many freinds do you have?
  3. On a scale from 1-6 how angry do you get?
  4. Do you own a gun?
  5. Have you ever been involved in someones death?
  6. Have you ever killed a man on purpose?
  7. On accident?
  8. Do you have a mental problem?
  9. If yes... what?
  10. After all those questions do you want to kill me?

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Quiz topic: Am I a murderer?