Are you a med cat, warrior or Queen?warrior cat

Do you want to be a clan? Well now you can it's a kitty mat clan! It is called forest clan! Do you want to be a part of it? Thinks bye.

I hope you like it. I will explain how after the test

Created by: NightLeaf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do blackberry leafs do?
  2. Do you go hunting often?
  3. Do you get irritated when kits play in your den?
  4. Does star-clan confuse you?
  5. What is snake root
  6. Are you a she-cat or a tom?
  7. How do you pronounce herbs?
  8. Your mom asked you to go hunting. What do you say?
  9. What does thyme do?
  10. This is not a question. I am going to make a clan the first person to comment on this (and got warrior/Queen) gets to be leader the second gets to be deputy the third-100 gets to be warriors. First med cat is med cat second is med cat appreciate third is a warrior. Put your cat name/rank on comment

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Quiz topic: Am I a med cat, warrior or Queen?warrior cat