Are you a Maplestory expert?

Do you really know your maplestory? Do you think your an expert? or are you still a noob trying to get to their first job advancement. Do you really know your maplestory? Do you think your an expert? or are you still a noob trying to get to their first job advancement. Do you really know your maplestory? Do you think your an expert? or are you still a noob trying to get to their first job advancement.

Do you think you know maplestory in and out? Are you a MS GENIOUS?!?!? And how aweseome are you? This quiz also determins your awesomeness aswell so just have a go at the quiz. Although the end might have some pretty nasty comments.

Created by: Cakey
  1. [Easy question] What is the highest level you can get to? (not including rebirths)
  2. What does PQ stand for?
  3. How many job classes are there?
  4. Which version did Pirates come in?
  5. If you have a magician, what stats would you have the least on?
  6. On a magician how much luk should you have once you have reached 120?
  7. Once you get over level 120, where should you train?
  8. What is the colour theme for bowmen + lvl 120?
  9. Which is the weakest boss?
  10. Who do you talk to go get from Maple island to Victoria island?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Maplestory expert?