Are you a liar?

Are you a liar, you may lie for good but that still means you are a liar, on the other hand you may not be a liar. If you want to know if your a liar or not or you just want some fun then take this quiz. Have Fun!

Do you a lie often enough to be classified as a lair, you may lie for good but that still means you are a liar, on the other hand you may not be a liar. If you want to know if your a liar or not or you just want some fun then take this quiz. Have Fun!

Created by: Tim
  1. Have you seen the movie: "Lost in Las Vegas without any money" it is EXTREMELY AWSOME, I feel sorry for people who havn't seen it?
  2. Somebody gives you a gift you don't like, they ask you what you think, you say?
  3. You are going out shopping with one of your friends when he/she falls over and knocks down an entire shelf and everything on it goes everywere. You would?
  4. You say something EXTREMELY stupid and your friend says "you've got to be joking!" You reply?
  5. You forget your friends birthday, and they say "did you forget my birthday?" You say?
  6. You really want to get something and then you go over to your friends house and find out they have it. Then they are bragging about it. You say?
  7. Your boss really makes you angry so you throw a book at him/her then they turn around and look at you. You say?
  8. You get fired from your job and you come home early and your friend calls you up and says "why are you home early, what did you get fired?" You say?
  9. Your friends start making fun of you saying your a nerd (you know what frienda are like) and one day while your studying they call you up and say "hello nerd, are you studying?" You say?
  10. You borrow one of your friends tops for a party but you accidentaly stain it. You would?

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Quiz topic: Am I a liar?