Are You A Heathen?

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take the quiz ya filthy sinner, we both know your not spending time in church ha, your circle of friends consists of Judas the traitor,satan himself, Adolf Hitler's dead corpse, and lady gaga

YOU are a big bowl of awesome sauce! not, noone likes you because your a bad influence. you smell bad and your disrespectful, turn from your sin and love the Lord. or elsee

Created by: carter baker
  1. Do You believe in God?
  2. What is your motto in life?
  3. What kind of church do you go to?
  4. How often do you read your Holy Bible?
  5. How many tribes of Israel are there?
  6. I go to Church when.....
  7. Who is the head of the household?
  8. What is the last book of the Bible?
  9. Steps to salvation are:
  10. Your favorite color is?
  11. Im a Christian because....

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Quiz topic: Am I A Heathen?