Bible Defenders Quiz

An education of the Bible is more important than any College degree. What happens when the world fails us and the trust that we put into it crumbles into pieces? Do you know where you are going when you die? Eternity is a long time to gamble with. I encourage all to get into the word of God and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior in order to prepare for one's eternity.

The Lord Jesus Christ came to earth as a man and died on a cross for our sins. We, as humans, have all fallen short of the glory of God, therefore; we need the payment that Jesus made on the cross to pay for our sins. No man comes to the father but by Jesus Christ. Do you know your Bible? This is a basic quiz to test your knowledge. Challenge yourself to see how much of the Bible you really know.

Created by: Michael Lofton
  1. What is a man saved by?
  2. _________ died for the sins of the world and was raised from the dead on the third day.
  3. _________ is the violation of God's law.
  4. The heart is....
  5. In Genesis 18:1, _______ appeared to Abraham in the form of a man.
  6. Jesus said, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is.....
  7. Christianity is....
  8. No one comes to the father but through...
  9. What Temple was Jesus referring to when he said, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days. (John 2:19)"?
  10. The Doctrine of the Trinity is defined as....
  11. What did Adam and Eve do to be exiled from the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3?
  12. Before his pride, Satan was....
  13. David killed Goliath with a...
  14. On what day did Jesus raise from the dead?
  15. Where was Jesus' first miracle?
  16. Daniel _____ Nebuchadnezzar's _____?
  17. Jesus was impressed with the woman who gave two...
  18. In John chapter 10, Jesus angered the....
  19. Jesus said, "none greater than ____ has been born of women".

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