Are you a greensboro person or a roanoke person?!

This quiz tells you if you are a true greensboro person or a red blooded roanoker. You may be neither! This quiz will still tell you what would suit you best. Take this quiz and find out!

Are you a greensboro triad fanatic? Are you a roanoke simple life lover? You will be amazed by the answer! Take this quiz now! Or else I will eat you.

Created by: kipper
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your thoughts mainly revolve around...
  2. You have in the past lived in...
  3. Which is your soda of choice?
  4. At sleep-overs you sleep in your...
  5. Your ideal match is...
  6. Just pick one.
  7. My grades were or are about
  8. You pretend to like them to their face...
  9. I love...
  10. You expect your results to be...

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Quiz topic: Am I a greensboro person or a roanoke person?!