Are You a Good Singer?

Many people can sing. So many of today's celebrities are singers. A singer is a person who expresses their feelings through lyrical expressions. They tell a story.

Are you a good singer??? Well only this AMAZING quiz would know so go on take it! This quiz will test you in a way you've never been tested over internet!!

Created by: Sara LaFever
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you sing do you sing with emotion?
  2. Are your emotions the same as the original singers emotion? Ex: Sad song so your sad...
  3. Do you find yourself singing in class, at work, in the car, with friends?
  4. When you sing in public or on the phone do others comment you?
  5. Are you confident in your singing?
  6. Do you take these tests a lot?
  7. Does your voice trempble or vibrate naturally when you sing, unnaturally?
  8. Can you make your voice change tone?
  9. If you could be any of todays popstars who would you be? Out of these.
  10. Will you believe my answer? Dont say IDK!!

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Quiz topic: Am I a Good Singer? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Music Quiz category.