Are you a good older sister? | Comments

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  • Are you a good older sister?
    Your Result: You are terrible sister 88%

    You are a terrible sister. You tease your little sister/brother, and they would never dream to look up to you. You are not a nice sister at all! This is perfect for you.

    17% You are a dream sister
    7% You are an average sister
    0% You are a below average sister
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  • I got 18% dream sister-

  • I got 93% dream sister, it's awesome

  • lol 78% dream sister cool quiz

  • Your Result: You are an average sister 84%

    You are an average sister. You sometimes stick up for your little sister/brother. Sometimes you take matters into your own hands, but other times you let her/he deal with it. This is perfect for you!

    Thanks! I have five younger siblings! I just didn't know what to answer question #4, though, so I just skipped it.

    Remember Joy

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