Are you a "girly" girl?

Are You a girly girl? Are you up hillbilly down right country girl? Are you hillbilly or a City girl well take this quiz Will tell you if you're a girly girl or a hill Billy.

If your girly girl then you must love fashion, accessories, skirts, dresses, pink and purple and if you're not then, congratulations you are one of the few that is not been sucked into this world's population.

Created by: Megan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get mad at people and wish to punch them?
  2. Do you where a lot of makeup?
  3. Do you where accessories?
  4. Do you like fashion
  5. Do you have to have every piece of clothing in the store?
  6. What your favorite color
  7. Do you have the latest smart phone
  8. Do you have holes in your Jeans?
  9. Many bags do you have?
  10. You wear skirts a lot?

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Quiz topic: Am I a "girly" girl?