Are you a geek or a cool kid?

this quiz is about wether you are a geek or a cool kid or even both.take it to find out.this took me a long time to make so make sure you enjoy it and subscribe to pewdiepie's channel

are you a geek or a cool kid. Take this test too find out. but do not rush it otherwise you will get a low score, some questions are hard and some are easy.

Created by: Olivia Taylor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your dress style?
  2. what is your favourite colour?
  3. what do you like to do?
  4. Okay...this question has NO affect on your results, What do you like to eat?
  5. Do you like pewdiepie.?if dont go and subrcribe
  6. Are you a pewdiepie bro?
  7. do you wear glasses/contact lenses?
  8. okay...nearly done.. all you have to do is press yes
  9. when is your birthday?
  10. end of the quiz.. did you enjoy it?

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Quiz topic: Am I a geek or a cool kid?