Are you a free spirit, caution expert, or in between?

In this quiz, you will find out whether you are a free spirit, caution expert or somewhere in between. All 3 are great and personally, I believe everyone is one of the 3.

So, are you ready to find out? Free spirits are people who make the most in life no matter what others think. A caution expert keeps to themselves a lot more whereas in between may mean that you're sometimes one and sometimes the other, or a 50/50 mix of both at the same time. Select the most relevant answer for each question to get accurate results.

Created by: Sarah McCabe
  1. Would you go to a bar, drink and dance on a table to your favorite song?
  2. Do you care if people are staring at you in a public place for being too loud while hanging out with your friends?
  3. On a scale of 1-10, how outgoing are you?
  4. You're going on vacation. Out of the following locations, where would you go?
  5. You're in the car with your best friends and your favorite song comes on the radio. How do you react?
  6. You get invited to a party, what are you bringing?
  7. Your best friend just got a brand new Lamborghini and asks you if you want to take it for a drive to see how fast it goes. Your response?
  8. Would you throw a house party without permission of your parents or landlord/Land lady?
  9. Random question, but what's your favorite kind of music?
  10. It's Friday night and you just got done with a long day's work/school. What are you doing tonight?

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Quiz topic: Am I a free spirit, caution expert, or in between?

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