Which Spirit Riding Free character are you?

I am a big fan of Spirit Riding Free so I made this quiz for you to see which character you are. You could be anyone! A This quiz has a total of 15 questions, just for you!

If you like this quiz, please rate it! Are you a Spirit Riding Free fan? Then do this quiz, and we'll get you started on the questions. Feel free to redo the quiz if you didn't like your results!

Created by: Hermione
  1. Who are you?
  2. Do you like manners?
  3. Would you like ride horses for the rest of your life?
  4. Are you brave?
  5. Do you like attention on yourself?
  6. How obedient are you?
  7. What's your worst fear?
  8. Do you have stage-fright?
  9. Do you like adventures?
  10. We're almost finished! How do you like this quiz?
  11. Do you like to study?
  12. Do you like dancing?
  13. What do you hate the most?
  14. Do you like people asking you lots of questions?
  15. Last question. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Spirit Riding Free character am I?
