Are you a fighter or a softy

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There are people who blast through life with ease and others who struggle for a fighter life is a breeze and for a softy life is difficult a lot of the time

Are you a tough fighter do you go through your problems at the speed of light or do you care about too much well thanks to this short quiz you will soon find out

Created by: Skylar
  1. Someone talks behind your back it turns out to be your best friend you
  2. You are auditioning for a play and someone gets the part you wanted you
  3. You get a small cut on your arm well out with friends at the park you. ( be honest )
  4. You find out your crush does not like you you
  5. Do you lie ever to fix a problem
  6. When your mad at someone do you show it
  7. Ok almost done do you think your a fighter
  8. Do you dress a certain way to empress someone
  9. Do you take risks
  10. Will you be disappointed if you are a softy on this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a fighter or a softy