Are you a dumb blond???

Do your friends or other people at school call you a dumb blond. are you a dumb blond...... there are a few speial people who are are you one of them??? do you think of your self as smart? take my quiz and find out if your a dumb blond or not! PS. dont be offended if you are a dumb blond :)

are YOU a dumb blond? do people make fun of you because of it? are you unsure of what you are in the logical area... what do you consider your self; a dumb blond or a smart person.take my quiz can help you find out and make that decision for it? PS. dont be offended if you are a dumb blond :)

Created by: matty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you understand maths?
  2. do you enjoy school?
  3. do you like to wear makeup?
  4. do people think of you as dumb, or do they make fun of you becase of it?
  5. are you shallow?
  6. do you think of yourself as smart?
  7. do you spend you money on pratical things?
  8. do you judge your friends from looks
  9. are you gullible?
  10. did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a dumb blond???