Are you a Dimitri?

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This quiz is to determine your power, with this quiz you will discover whether or not you are a force of good or evil, please do not share this quiz with to many people, power gets into peoples heads...

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z, if you weren't aware... that's the alphabet, you are most likely an illiterate if you didn't know this, so the answer to this quiz is already clear...

Created by: Ali of
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you know a Ringo?
  2. Have you ever thrown chocolate milk?
  3. Do you measure up?
  4. "Hi i'm a little boy, have you seen my pet Ugandan Knuckles?" What do you do?
  5. Have you or have you not read how to kill people, you must swear on Ali you are telling the truth
  6. Put into a search engine then put "cheese_grater" into the search bar, put your reaction below
  7. Bottle?
  8. Is now favourited?
  9. tHIs QUIz rEqUIrES 10 QUEStiONS bUT iM toO LAZY
  10. sTIlL toO lAZY

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Quiz topic: Am I a Dimitri?

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