Are You A Demi-God?

Hello ladies and boys this is my quiz. My first quiz. So sorry if it sucks just bare with me and go along with it. Please don't get mad if you have a result you didn't want. Down there is just stuff about me you don't have to read it if you don't wanna.
Imma tell you a bit about myself. I am 12, a girl, obviously. Lol I like cod,assassins creed, halo, mine craft, and I don't wanna be in that girly stereotype thing. I like skrillex which is weird the walking dead, I am a fangirl over books like Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, stuff like that. I am a C average girl XD. At my place its called Junior high instead of middle school lalala, I hate when people put in their bio's "single but crushing" or crap like that omfgs. And especially when they put "singer. Dancer. Gymnast. Gamer. Actress. Artist." Like dude, choose one. It's funny how people think I'm dumb and wouldn't expect me to join a book fandom and wouldn't expect me to spell correctly. ;-;. Well time for quizzing yay