Are you a culture vulture?

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What is a culture vulture? A scavenger, circling the media,picking up scraps in what is admired and popular in todays generation, becoming cringey and basic. You probably know, and have seen a vulture.

Are you a culture vulture? I hope not! Let's find out. Here are a bunch of questions that will help you identify if you are part of the dark side. Have fun!

Created by: Samuel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a dead squirrel on the side of the road, which would most likely be your first reaction?
  2. How active are you on social media?
  3. Which app do you use the most?
  4. Are you always looking in your front camera to see how you look, even if you're somewhere where it is irrelevant how you appear?
  5. Girls, if you leave your house, must your makeup be on?
  6. You're leaving the house for a while, is most of your day going to be on your Snapchat story?
  7. You and your friends/family are out eating dinner at a restaurant. Which are you most likely to do?
  8. Guys, pick your dream female celebrity body.
  9. How concerned are you about being in a relationship?
  10. Couples, do you upload most of the things you do together to show off your relationship?
  11. What are you most worried about, appearance wise:
  12. Girls, do most of your outfits consist of showing off your rear end? (i.e Booty shorts, yoga pants)
  13. Girls, you're at a party and everyone is dancing, which would you most likely do?
  14. Be honest, do you act ghetto to be cool? (i.e use slang such as "thick","nigga","bruh","trippin" listen to rap music, hang out with other ghetto crowds, try to take on black culture
  15. Favorite Snapchat filter?
  16. Guys, which makes you feel cool:
  17. Guys, do you think that girls generally need more respect and better treatment?
  18. You got invited to your friends birthday party, what are you going to wear?
  19. What do your social media feeds consist of?
  20. Which best fits your music world:
  21. Girls, who do you look up to the most as a beauty icon?
  22. Which crosses your mind the most?
  23. Couples who are in an interracial relationship, are you together mostly because it's a cute image that two different races are bonding?
  24. Your posts on your social media account mostly consist of:

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Quiz topic: Am I a culture vulture?