Are you a Classic Liberal?

In History class we are learning about the different political ideologies and the four quadrants of the political spectrum. A Classic Liberal is in the bottom left quadrant of the four quadrants.

Do you know if you have the same political view points as a Classic Liberal? This quiz will test your knowledge and hopefully you will learn something from it.

Created by: Kristen
  1. You are a Classic Liberal if:
  2. Do you agree that if a local hockey rink starts to deteriorate the government should step in to help fund the re-bulding?
  3. You are a Classic Liberal if:
  4. You are a Classic Liberal if you want:
  5. Do you believe that people should all be treated equally?
  6. If a person wants to leave Canada and move to another country, should they have the option to do so?
  7. Freedom includes:
  8. HealthCare should be:
  9. What is your view on marijuana?
  10. Should the government allow Social Services to its people:

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Quiz topic: Am I a Classic Liberal?