Have you been influenced by the liberal media?

The left-wing, so-called main-stream media has been out of control the last couple of years. The attacks on Governor Sarah Palin and the fawning over Barack Obama have torn down any doubts on where the media stands.

The question is: How susceptible are you to the media bias? Is your brain strong enough to compute what is truth and what is left-wing propaganda? Whether you are a lefty, righty, Conservative or Liberal, take this test and see how much you are influenced by the liberal media.

Created by: Johnny

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How would you describe Keith Olbermann?
  2. Which of the following statements is FALSE.
  3. Which of the following groups was the first to endorse Barack Obama during the 2008 Democrat Primaries?
  4. Have more US soldiers died under Bill Clinton or George Bush (43)?
  5. How many ethics charges against Governor Sarah Palin were were found to be true and led to judicial proceedings?
  6. How old was Barack Obama's mother at the time of his birth?
  7. In 1996, Barack Obama ran for the Illinois State Senate in which political party?
  8. Which countries has Sarah Palin visited in her capacity as Governor?
  9. Which of the following media outlets printed first-page articles or had top headline news reporting doubts that Trig is Governor Palin's son?
  10. What is the Bush Doctrine?
  11. The article, "Barack the Magic Negro", was written and published by whom?
  12. Which of the following people were publicly attacked by the National Organization for Women for calling Governor Sarah Palin vulgar words (for women and body parts)?
  13. Who said "I want to cut off his nuts" when speaking about Barack Obama?
  14. Barack Obama claimed that one of his uncle's participated in what World War 2 action?
  15. Which of the following pieces of legislation lived up to Barack Obama's pledge to be the most transparent government in history by placing all legislation online for 72 hours before a vote?
  16. Both the the US House and Senate versions of health care reform contain which of the following provisions?
  17. Who was President when the internet bubble burst and the second Palestinian Intifada erupted in violence and terrorism in Israel?
  18. The Associated Press assigned 11 reporters to "fact-check" Sarah Palin's memoir, "Going Rogue". How many reporters did it assign to fact-check Barack Obama's two books, combined?
  19. Governor Sarah Palin supported which of the following pieces of legislation in Alaska?
  20. ACORN, the organization Barack Obama represented as a lawyer and whose campaign had close ties during the 2008 election cycle, has been investigated and/or charged with voter fraud in how many states?

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