Are You a Caroline?

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Caroline is my best friend!!! Take this quiz to find out if you are great anouth to have the caroline badge? Oooookkkkk! Ready!

Caroline is unpopular( like me) ever since a rumar was spread thruout the school. But if I rulled the school I wuold make her the most popular girl in th school!

Created by: underdog99
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like fruit 66?
  2. What is you favorite coler?
  3. Your best friend is drawing during class, so you stat showing her how to draw somthing, you get yelled at. Your friend says sorry and looks really sad you...
  4. Your about to do a prodgect where you sing in front of a lot of people you...
  5. What is your favorite bioshock charecter?
  6. You like this guy and you havnt told anyone yet you...
  7. Do you love to draw anime?
  8. What coler is your eyes?
  9. Have you seen ponyo?
  10. Do you want to be a caroline?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Caroline?