Are we friends?

Hey, here's some about me, I love fruit, I cry for no reason a lot, I think being a mermaid and fairy (merfairy) is really fun and I practice my powers everyday, my favorite colors are Pink Purple Yellow and Light Blue, I'm a vegetarian, and I'm super friendly and stuff, and Im lazy, there's more I don't feel like listing.

This Quiz Determents If You Sound Like Tipe of person that would be my friend easily. I have a secret I will tell you in this quiz 😱 I already told you in the last paragraph and I just quit typing every word with a capital letter at the beginning

Created by: AnimalAveril
  1. What's your favorite color? Select one of the below.
  2. Do you like animals?
  3. Do you like diamonds?
  4. What animal don't you like?
  5. Are you a mermaid or fairy?...?
  6. Do you like, ravioli & iceceam?
  7. Do you like my personality; nice, loves animals, vegetarian, people know me for loving cats and squirrels, my favorite animals are cats squirrels owls and sugar gliders, people call me SquirrelGirl, and more...
  8. Gender?
  9. Age?
  10. Can you except the fact I use 0's instead of O's and O's instead of 0's?
  11. It's the last question. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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