Are you a big boi or a thin boi quiz

Hello and welcome to this "Are you fat or not" quiz, this is my first ever quiz to exist on "gotoquiz" so I hope you like this quiz, have fun. Remember, this quiz wont be accurate so dont complain.

This quiz will say if this you are bed bound, morbidly obese, obese, overweight, perfect or underweight. Just note: this is not accurate so dont blame me bro pls :(((

Created by: bali
  1. What weight are you?
  2. How much meals do you eat per day?
  3. Can you jump and run good?
  4. How much belly fat can you grab from yer belly?
  5. Do you have thunder thighs? That means do you have thighs that are bigger than your body?
  6. Wear your tightest pair of pants then sit down on on a low step or a tight chair then take off the pants or put em under ur belly and see how much it does out and down.
  7. If you go to a "all you can eat" place, how much do you eat?
  8. Last question. If you wake up in a room and somebody says you will gain 300 lbs, kg or whatever, would you accept or deny?
  9. jk, last question. did you like this quiz?
  10. JK to last questions, imagine you are somebodies gf and you say you want to be fatter what will yo bf do
  11. okay for real did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a big boi or a thin boi quiz

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