Are You a Bad Teen???

"There are many bad people, but few true good. Ahh that's not right, is it? What is a good person? It's someone who has a really good heart, never gets in trouble, and does good things.

Are YOU a bad a**? Do you have the behavior to qualify for that? Are you a bad teen? That's what this quiz will decide. See if you get the result you are expecting.

Created by: destiny of girl teenger quizzes
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Did you ever drink???
  2. Did you ever skip school??
  3. Do you smoke???
  4. Have you ever stole something?
  5. Do you do drugs???
  6. Have you had S E X yett ?
  7. Did you ever go to a party?? With out your mom and dad knowing.
  8. Do you do what you want?
  9. Have you ever been in a fight???
  10. Do you like you run you mouth a lot??

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Quiz topic: Am I a Bad Teen??? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Vices Quiz category.