Are ya a REAL dipper?

There are plenty of skoal users out there... As you can tell skoal is for pusses! But only you and many other folk can handle the sweet greatness of Copenhagen!

Are YOU a dipper! Do you miss gettin a buzz? Can you handle a double horseshoe of longhorn? Until now ya woulda run yerself crazy tryin ta figure it out!

Created by: Trey Murdock
  1. What do ya like in a dip?
  2. What brand do ya like?
  3. How much do ya dip a day?
  4. What kind of spitter do ya use?
  5. Do ya dip in class?
  6. Do ya spit or gut it?
  7. How much can ya handle in one dip?
  8. Do ya have a ring or keep it hidden from yer folks?
  9. Where do ya hide your can?
  10. What's your favorite flavor of cope?

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