Are we soul mates?

Find out if you and I were meant to be. There's really nothing else to say, cause the title says it all. Stupid word rule thingamajig. Next paragraph is random.

Cherry tree wormhole eating omelettes. Is that how you spell it? Whatevs. Lol omg PvP Luv myself and I don't need anyone else. Wait...doesn't that defeat the purpose of this quiz?

Created by: Luv myself

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color is your hair?
  2. Do you like Videogames?
  3. Do you like music?
  4. Do you care about looks?
  5. What color are your eyes?
  6. Is there such thing as too much Videogames?
  7. Do you like me?
  8. Favorite YouTuber?
  9. Let fate decide.
  10. Bye! Press top for credit.

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