Are u fine? (Suicidal)

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This quiz is to see if have suicidal thoughts It’s not good trust me nobody should suffer like this not even u...just think happy and think of ur future plan ur home

Pls just sit in a quiet room and listen to music or chat with someone....or video chat with mates or even draw and colour in stuff....or have a little sleep

Created by: Izzie
  1. What’s on ur mind?
  2. Have u spoke to someone..?
  3. What makes u happy..?
  4. Do u like black?
  5. How many times have u thought about suicide..?
  6. Did u like the quiz? did it help?
  7. Why are u like this ..?
  8. Do u like ur parents/gaudian ?
  9. Do u talk
  10. How long have u been like this for?

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