ARE U A WEIRDO?!?!?! is a strong word......meny people call each other weird, but do not know if they actually are or not...sooo if u want to know badly...then take this quiz to find out if u r or not...

R U weird but, dont think u r weird and no one else does then this quiz is rong but who cares if u r weird?!?!? FIND OUT THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION HERE!!!

Created by: SCREAMOguy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do u feel bout emo and goth?
  2. How do u feel bout horror films?
  3. What is closest to the music u like?
  4. Which selection is closest to what you do in your spare time?
  5. I feel ______ most of the time...
  6. Do you think you are weird?
  7. I am taking this quiz because...
  8. My friends are...
  9. I am...
  10. I...

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