Are a true Arkansawyer?

This quiz is going to be about some Arkansas facts that I learnd in school quite a few years ago. There's some pretty simple questions and some that'll be kind of tough but I'm sure you'll make it through!

I really don't know why you have to do two paragraphs but if ya gotta then ya gotta. I decided to make this quiz because I was doin some others on Arkansas that really I didn't understand so I wanted to make one that might be a little more understandable, hopefully.

Created by: AR 98
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How did Arkansas get it's name?
  2. What does the Latin phrase "Regnat Populus", our state motto, mean?
  3. How many stars are on the Arkansas flag?
  4. What is the state gem?
  5. What is the state tree?
  6. What is the state bird?
  7. What is the state flower?
  8. What is the state insect?
  9. What is the state fruit and vegetable?
  10. What is the state instument?
  11. What is the state beverage?
  12. What is the state mammal?
  13. What is the state rock?
  14. What is the state mineral?
  15. What is the state American folk dance?
  16. What is the state historic cooking vessel?
  17. Are you from Arknsas?

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