Am I funny or am I a stuck up b---- or am I just to dumb

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Click a response that best fits how u feel about the joke.I’m now just going to till candy who loves candy candy and and and and to to to to to to to sorry all of that was to completely a requirement

Hello I’m doing the same thing here he he she she hi hello horses galloping and ruin how and jumping and walking and grooming in a barn on a feels near a fence or by a bench

Created by: Willowdemond
  1. A,how do u get a nun pregnantB, dress her up as an alter boy
  2. A, what did the fish say when he ran into a wallB, damn
  3. A, what has 2 legs and bleedsB, a half a dog
  4. A, why did the mafia cross the roadB, forget about it
  5. A, what kind of bees produce milkB, boobies
  6. A, what do u call a bunny with a bent dickB, f---s funny
  7. A, what’s a crack heads fave songB, I wanna rock
  8. A, what do u call a gangbanger in a cellB, anything you want
  9. A, why did Hitler commit suicide B, he got the gas bill
  10. A, how do u circumcise a hillbillyB, kick his sisters jaw
  11. A, what is the difference between oooooh and aaaaaahhhhB, about 3-4 inches
  12. A, how manny emo kids does it take to screw in a light B, non they all sit and cry in the dark even with one anyway

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