Am I a sociopath, serial killer or murderer? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Am I a sociopath, serial killer or murderer?
damn i got 90 percent on sociopath and 80 percent on serial killer LMFAO the description does sound like me execpt for the butcher knife thing
Do I need a therapist
Welp im a maniac then.
Zeeeeee1 -
I got a average boring person why is that true
hbrgekjsdfjvnnw i am bery interesting just today I get off school early and take my ferrets tog the vet is that borign?!?!?! I dont think sososifnjdjs vfhjwndkvjnewjh
Just more people who think I'm a murderer... They're probably all right...
Shrekmex1 -
93% murderer, how delightful. Time to get to work...
Pot1 -
i didn't have breakfast you moronic cu*ts, i tell you im a fcuking psycho, never tell me i got up and had breakfast because i did'nt ok.
I never have breakfast.
I ain't no killer just an all around lover for the loving
I ain't no Killa thats the point
I will never kill
I love Israel
I love me
I don't love you
I'm harmless and you're my friend
God bless youDallas311 -
funny... I got diagnosed as a sociopath, yet, this quiz says I'm not. Okay.
anus1 -
I got sociopath (roughly 80-85%), serial killer (roughly 70-80%) and murderer (slightly less than serial killer)
Good quiz
Holy cheese that total described me except for the part of being in a gang. But everything else is kina true ^^
Knife. Tape. Large, empty house. Freaks!
Maniac .......... No s--- .........
I got murderer... I love yanderes and stuff like that. Sounds like me a lot ngl. There's this stupid boy in my class.... I'm waiting for my gun
Yanderes are my favorite.
I honestly love thinking about killing people and different ways to do it. I've never done it because I'm not good at hiding things, I'm good at hiding my true feeling and manipulating people though
I loveee knives~ I got Maniac. But my friends say they see me as an insane psychopath.
i gues i am a maniac ive fantsized about murdering my family and the people who just get on my nerves in the most painful and "sad" way i would love to do it oneday
I'm so proud...I knew I would get these results I know what kind of terrible person I am truely :)
81% serial killer,hehehe
vici1 -
I love creepypastas
EVERYONE prepare to DIE haha i will get YOU
91% sociopath and 86% serial
i got 89% serial killer lol. sounds a lot like me confirmed by my little brother. im 14 btw. i dream about killing some certain people in my life that i cant stand.
Maddy1291 -
I'd roast a baby and force feed it to the parents