Am I a good Call of Duty player?

Many people proclame they are masters in Call of Duty. Taking this quiz will show you if you truly are good or just a noob. So take this quiz, and find out.

So you think your good or bad. Take this quiz to find out how truly good you are. And maybe you could be wrong about yourself or not. The truth lies ahead.....

Created by: DI3 PoTpLaNT
  1. How long have you been playing the Call of Duty franchise?
  2. How much time do you invest on Call of Duty a day?
  3. In a multiplayer match, what is your occasional strategy?
  4. How many Call of Duty titles have you played?
  5. What is your kills to deaths ratio?
  6. What do you do when someone who is better at cod than you chellenges you in the middle of a multiplayer game?
  7. Many times mistakes are made during cod and sometimes your just having a bad time. What do you do if something like this happens to you?
  8. The following are just trivia questions to see if you know cod: What gun is better in terms of power, AN 94 or MSMC?
  9. Have you done a trickshot, eg; quickscope?
  10. What skills do you have most of the following

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