Alvin and chipmunks chipwrecked what cahracter you are? | Comments

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  • Eleanor Miller 77%

    leanor is self-assured, confident, and extremely maternal despite her a Eleanor dancing. Added by Nicksney gal ge. She is a gifted athlete despite her larger physique. Eleanor is quite strong-willed, and is far more likey than the timid Jeanette to stand up to her sister Brittany when she feels that she is wrong. Eleanor is blonde with brown eyes (although she has green eyes in the film), and her signature color is spring green. During the Squeakquel, Eleanor has a much softer and childish personality; she acts much kinder and enthusiastic in the movie than in the Cartoon, although sometimes she is still mature. Eleanor gets on great with Theodore of the Chipmunks. They are very open about their relationship and have many simalarities. For example, they both love food and are interested in cooking. Also, their signature colors are both green.


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