All You Need To Know About Me

This is a quiz all about me! In the end you will get a percentage of how much you know about me! Then you will see what you do or didnt do to get that score. Do you really know me?? Lets take a look see.

Think about me while you are taking this quiz. Imagine if I were sitting right next to you giving you all the answers and you should do fine. Remember, have fun and don't get mad if you dont know an answer. Btw, tell me what you get after taking it, I would love to know!!

Created by: Jen Carrier

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my FAVORITE restaraunt?
  2. What is my FAVORITE color??
  3. What is my favorite movie??
  4. What is my favorite candy bar??
  5. If you were to take me out, where would we go?
  6. Who is my BEST friend??
  7. What is my favorite thing to do???
  8. Where is my favorite flavor of ice cream?
  9. What is my favorite flavor of lipgloss?
  10. What is my favorite Tv show??

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