All about Andy Biersack

are you a know it all about Andy Biersack?Well find out here if you really are!! Smart people are hard to find well about Andy Biersack!I'm sure you can do it just focus!

Are you a genius well find out here! tell us all about Andy (six) biersack.And prove your a genius but be careful you want to do this on your owm with no distractions!

Created by: victoria
  1. what is Andy's full name?
  2. how old is andy?
  3. what is his newest song?
  4. what is andy's fave color?
  5. what is andy's fave animal?
  6. what is his real hair color?
  7. does andy smoke?
  8. how tall is andy?
  9. what else can Andy do besides singing?
  10. what is Andy's dad's name?

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