Aidans Responsibility quiz

There are many smart people but that doesn't matter if you are smart it just means that they push them selves to the absolute hardest that they can do but as long as you tried you did a good gob.

Are you responsible? You could only wonder until now thanks to this great quiz that tells you if you are or not so take this quiz and find out wether or not you are responsible.

Created by: aidan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you do drugs?
  2. Do you do your homework?
  3. Do you watch TV before your homework
  4. Do you get to school on time?
  5. Do you go to class prepared?
  6. Do you do your chores?
  7. Do you smoke?
  8. Do you get your assingments in on time?
  9. Do you play video games before or after homework?
  10. Do you use your time apropriatly?

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