aee you good good or bad?

There are over 6 billion people I'm the world. Many are good sameritans or atleast try to be. Then there are some who are bad just to see otheres suffer. Then you have the ones that do bad things to people they belive deserve it.

Are you good. Many are or atleast try to be. But if there was no evil in the world what would the good be here for. Find out what type of person you are.

Created by: weedman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy life and living?
  2. Do you care for others feelings
  3. Do you belive you have a purpose in life?
  4. Is this a good purpose?
  5. Do you belive in a God and or fallow the commandments of that god?
  6. Do you fallow the law?
  7. Could you kill some one?
  8. Have you killed or harmed any animal.
  9. Would you torture some one for the thrill of it?
  10. Do you laugh at others misery?

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