Ada Wong Resident Evil 4

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There are a lot of people that know re4 100%, but there are others who don't. If you think you can ace this one, find out by trying it out and seeing if it's your type to bust. I'll b waiting y'all

Can you knock this quiz out into a ball and ace it? see for your self by taking this 11 question quiz. Give it a try in case if you feel you can bust it a loose.

Created by: moriah of yahoo
(your link here more info)
  1. what is the name of the woman who did, "Separate Ways"?
  2. Who was the woman that met Leon at the Garden Maze?
  3. At the last chapter, where did Ada fight Saddler?
  4. In Separate Ways, what color egg could Ada collect that was in a glass dresser in a house deep in the village?
  5. What two weapons do you start out with in separate Ways?
  6. What is the price of the TMP in Separate Ways?
  7. What r the genders of the first two ganados that you run into in the cave during separate ways
  8. As you're playing Separate Ways fighting Krauser, does he still have his wing shield?
  9. For the action figure of Ada Wong, what does she say?
  10. What does Ada do when her chopper arrives?

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