ABDL Personality

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Welcome to the ABDL Personality Quiz. This is for ABDLs to take to find out what kind of baby personality they have. There are four different results to get so this quiz should tell you which one you are.

This quiz is mainly for fun and can be taken by anyone, not just ABDLs. Plus this like every other quiz isn't fully accurate for many reasons but nobody cares.

Created by: The Moops
  1. If you woke up to find you had wet the bed, how would you react?
  2. If you had a messy accident after eating, what would you think?
  3. Your ABDL friend comes over to play with you in your nursery, what kind of diaper related things would you do?
  4. if you were incontinent and had to wear adult diapers all the time, what kind of incontinent would you prefer to be?
  5. If you felt your bladder shaking and you began to wet yourself uncontrolably [not in a diaper, in underwear] what would you do?
  6. If you had a nurse, what would you have her do?
  7. Imagine yourself as a teenage girl, you're at the mall with some friends but you get lost somewhere and worse, you have to pee. You try to find a bathroom or a way out but the urge keeps building up. You finally get to the point where you can't hold it anymore, what would you do?
  8. Imagine that was a dream and you wake up wetting the bed, what would you do?
  9. If you messed the bed, what would you think?
  10. Do you use a high chair?
  11. Do you use a pacifier?
  12. What kind of diapers do you wear?
  13. Choose a colour [lucky 13 has an effect]

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