a really really random quiz

there are many kinds of quizzes, but this one is VERY RANDOM. take this quiz to see what random result YOU GET!!!!!!! random means: Chosen without method, which is sooo me!! haha :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

do YOU think YOUR random enough tho take this quiz? well stop wasting time and take the friggen quiz!!!! oh and by the way, the results probably dont have to do with anything at all and neither does this quiZ!!!

Created by: nikki/konerkokrazy14(from now
  1. do u lk santa clause??
  2. if u were a christmas tree what wuld do?
  3. wat do u think of wen i say PURPLE DINOSAUR
  4. what animal do u lk the most??
  5. SOX ROX!! THATS Y MY AIM IS KONERKOKRAZY14!! (Even though hes getting traded next year:,(
  6. rhianna or lil' wayne?
  7. pie or pudding?
  8. tv or computer?
  9. there is a pickle and a pastry... the pickle speaks french and the pastry speaks english...
  10. 2=2?
  11. wat r u most interested in??
  12. what do u hate the most?
  13. do i luv u?
  14. do u think this quiz is random?
  15. r u gay or straight?
  16. michael jackson is a woman. do u agree?
  17. wats ur fav cookie?
  18. do u lk windex?(window cleaning product)

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