A random quiz by Rahul

This is a random and boring quiz so take it only if you got nothing else to do....... If you had taken my quiz '*no title by Rahul' then you must take this quiz because I have replied to your comments here. Well, I couldn't reply you people because I don't have an account (or take it the other way, I am not allowed to have an account)

This is a random and boring quiz so take it only if you got nothing else to do....... If you had taken my quiz '*no title by Rahul' then you must take this quiz because I have replied to your comments here. Well, I couldn't reply you people because I don't have an account (or take it the other way, I am not allowed to have an account) Hope you like it:)

Created by: Rahul
  1. Hi guys! The quiz ' *no title* by Rahul' was made by me. Please take that quiz coz it was my first quiz on this website
  2. Firstly,(thankfully) I am not bored this time... and thank you guys for your wonderful comments for my previous quiz...
  3. When I made the previous quiz, I might have sounded a crazy coz I was bored, so I am extremely sorry for that. In reality I am not that kind of a person.. in fact if you see, I am really calm and composed..... Don't believe it? Ask my siblings. Their answer would be, ' Rahul bhaiyya toh kabhi daante hi nahi hai'. So don't think I am a mad person who escaped from the lunatic asylum..
  4. Sorry I will not be able to make an account coz my mom doesn't like it and I have no clue why
  5. And yes, yes, yes! 12th sucks more than 11th so enjoy your last year of heaven coz after that, you will experience hell.
  6. If you love my name 'Rahul' , let me tell you that I HATE MY NAME. Anyways, if you luv my name, thanks a lot. Atleast now, I hate it much less than before :)
  7. By the way, is this quiz boring?
  8. ok I am sorry coz it's not really a quiz... anyways you won't believe that I have been appointed as the headboy! omg! It feels great!!!
  9. So brother/sister I am really pleased to tell you that my mom might allow me to make an account if I score good in the boards....Please wish me luck. I badly wanna make an account... (I was too formal this time :p )
  10. So I guess I have in a way replied to all your comments and I know it is kinda weird replying this way....... never mind, what are you doing right now?
  11. Ok (unfortunately) I have to go. Need to go and buy my shaving cream. Why does it get over so fast? Anyways bye guys!

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