"So you want to be an Archfiend"

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This is an entrance exam for the lucky few that have been chosen to join the Archfiend clan on Planet Asherin (myspace rp world). Depending on your final outcome of this quiz, tells me where I should put you in the Archfiend order.

Unless you are one of those people chosen to take this exam, it really doesn't pertain to you, sorry, im not going to stop anyone that sees this from taken this test, just know it isn't about Yu-Gi-Oh what so ever. Only the names are nothing more

Created by: Kakashi V. Asherin of Planet Asherin
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "You are working at a job and your manager leaves you alone for a while to go get some supplies from other stores, when a man bursts into the establishment demanding you for the money. What do you do?"
  2. If you spot an enemy squad scooting out an area in front of the main city, and you are completely alone with no weapon, what would you do?
  3. If you could choose which rank you would want to be in which would you choose and think you could handle?
  4. What appeals to you the most?
  5. Which one of these weapons would you like to use?
  6. If you could make something better about yourself, what would it be?
  7. You have a child and you want to raise it as well as you possibly can, would you...
  8. What fits you best?
  9. You arrive to a battlefield late, they are still fighting below you, you proceed to...
  10. You just got nailed by an enemy attack, what do you do?
  11. Thank your for taking this quiz, and if you where directed by Kakashi V. Asherin to take this quiz, please complete this last question (No effect on your rating) and contact him with your proper Archfiend rank. You will after that be able to gain entrance to the home of the archfiends, Planet Asherin

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