[Quiz Title Here]Clan punishment

Theis is a clan punishment Quiz for helping clan heads punish clan mat at times it is needed and seeing thet punishments in the clan r faer .._......

Theis is a Quiz by a clan head to help clan heads thet use punishments in clans do add lots of comments for me after doing the Quiz and do try all my Quiz by by

Created by: Victoryleo
  1. What age r you
  2. R you a boy or girl
  3. What have you done
  4. How many times has is happened
  5. What Is the bigest punishment you get form your mum or dad
  6. What punishment wood you say wood stop you doing this agein
  7. What punishments do you get at school
  8. What punishment have you had form a caln you have ben in be4
  9. What punishment have you had form a friends mum
  10. Who have you had punishment form be4

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