"Is My Invader Zim OC a Mary Sue?"

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Hi, welcome to my quiz. Lets see if your OC is a Mary sue. This quiz was made in order to show you if your OC is a Mary sue or not... (I didn't mean to be writing this, but ok.)

I really don't want to offend anyone. Anyway, there are some references in the quiz. I took to make this more fun and whatever no one will be reading this... NO ONE.

Created by: Hornet
  1. Is your OC irken or human?
  2. If your OC is irken... What is your OC classification?
  3. Is your OC part of an... "secret society?"
  4. Are their antennas coiled?
  5. Why is your OC on earth? TELL ME!
  6. How are your OC's eyes? (for human and irken)
  7. Is your OC praised for they intelligence or beauty or something?
  8. Now, tell me about your past... I mean (cough), your OC past.
  9. What does your OC think about Zim?
  10. What does your OC think about Dib?
  11. Does your OC have any power?
  12. What is your OC's mission?
  13. Is your OC hated by someone? (in they universe)
  14. Did your OC kill any of the protagonists?
  15. What is your OC for the tallest?
  16. What does Gaz think about your OC?
  17. What does Tak think about your OC?
  18. And Gir? 🥺
  19. Ok, the quiz is almost over. Your OC has a great friendship with which character?

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