Does your crush actually like you?

There are many kinds of romantic relationships, and in order to get to the highest level, almost everyonehas to go through one specific stage: having a crush.

I am sure that if you have a crush,you must be wondering whether or not he likes you. I agree, it is very dificult to tell. This quiz just might give you the confidence to speak up!

Created by: Love Doctor
  1. (True or false) You have known him for at least two years.
  2. He rarely speaks to you.
  3. Your friends get along just fine.
  4. You guys almost never laugh together.
  5. He sometimes stares at you.
  6. He has complimented you at least once. (Even if you technicaly bribed him.)
  7. He never jokingly teases you.
  8. Do you think he likes you?
  9. You share at least two similareties.
  10. Has anyone ever told you that you guys like each other/he might like you?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush actually like you?