% Chance of survival in a Zombie Outbreak | Comments

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  • Got 33% then started to change answers to see what you thought was correct. How can as little clothing as possible be better protection than anything? How will I survive longer if I get a friend to kill me rather than killing myself if I get infected? How will stockpiling water be better than my rifle when I get attacked? How is a club better than a crowbar? It is a club! Only better!

    My weapon of choice is my rifle. More ammo and more accurate than a handgun. Served me well during 4 years of serving on operations over an 11year service with the British Army.

    FYI, I would survive, as I would simply kill you and steal your resources, as you seem to think that is better than making new allies.

  • who would wear a helmet it tottaly restricts your visibility? and having your freind go out for supplies would only let them know where you are plus even thoe hes dead he still knows where you are and he'll lead them to you not to mention a crowbar is the same as an axe and wont break plus you can you it for anything becauase its all metal lets see the nemesis survive gordan freemans weapons of choice!!!!

  • Well from experience, I never had any problems with question #4, I wore gloves, vest, helmets, shin gaurds, the whole list in Afghanistan. Never bothered me much. And I probably could have worn a eskimo suit with a fishinng net around me but my rifle made the difference. So i never worried about hand to hand when it was hand to m16a-2. And as for what would make a better fire arm? Anything with ammo douche bag. Let me shoot you with any item on that list, and then you can comment on it.

  • I'll probably be doing wonderfully, until I sacrificed myself in the line of battle against zombies.

    You really should have added options such as trying to kill as many zombies as possible before turning into one on those kinds of questions.

    46% is NOT terrible, by the way. You can run on that.

  • this quiz is crap totaly wrong i would survive 4 sure


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