Basic Gun Quiz # 1

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Do you know your guns? Well take this quiz and let's find out.This Quiz is 10 questions long. They are all random questions I thought up. I tried to give good explanations of the answers afterword's. I hope you do well!

This quiz covers a range of different guns and questions to test your knowledge. I hope you find it challenging and informative. I hope you have fun taking it and maybe learn something along the way.

Created by: For The Love Of Guns
  1. Which of the following guns do NOT have a typical safety on the gun?
  2. What does AR stand for on the AR-15?
  3. What do you load a rifle or handgun with?
  4. What gun was used to assassinate Abraham Lincoln?
  5. Is a gun magazine and a clip the same thing?
  6. Who created gunpowder?
  7. What Brand of gun that came out during the 80's caused fear that it could go through airport metal detectors undetected due to a new mostly polymer design.
  8. Why was the first Glock model produced named the Glock 17?
  9. A revolver is also know as a
  10. What round does the Colt M1911 shoot?

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