12Years Universal Marathon

A random quiz that will make you laugh,contains alot of Anime and funny quizzes that will make you laugh!If you like flying dogs,this quiz will make you laugh

Ice cream is funny but if you give it a name like ZOMBIEXCREAM then it becomes really creepy because this quiz has zombie juice in it and you must kill zombies for breakfats and you are cool and stuff.*Celestia Face*

Created by: CodeBoyAdvance
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What looks like a Horse,Has a Mane like a Horse,Jumps around like a Horse,But is Smaller than a Horse, And Resembles Pinkie Pie(From MLP)
  2. What does Namaste Mean?
  3. Do you like Haruhi?
  4. Which one of these is an Anime?
  5. What Beyblade has the special move:Stormbringer?
  6. What character from Rozen Maiden uses "Desu!" in her Sentences
  7. What team out of these has a Tiger Mascot
  8. What is your favorite word?
  9. Will you play dinosaur dominos?
  10. Last Question:Do You Liek Mudkipz?

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