Zombie survival quiz

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Oh no you are in the zombie invasion. You and other people are trying to survive. People are stealing stores and gun shops just to live this catastrophic event.

Do you have the skills to live, to earn the title of "surviver". This quiz will show wether you live or die. You must choose wisely about this or you meet a fatal end

Created by: #awsome
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What weapon do you select
  2. Team up or lone wolf
  3. What supplies
  4. Base or Traveler
  5. Scene one: Your base is getting invaded! What do you do? Think fast
  6. Sene two: Your team and you are lost and your map blew away plus your compass broke.if in question 6 you said answer 5or6 then put dead.
  7. Sene three: A team mate of yours is bit on her hand, what do you do
  8. Sene four: Your team are low on supplies what do now
  9. Sene five: You and your team are surrounded by like 100 zombies what is your plan
  10. Final sene: You think it's all over when suddenly a other group plans to attack.

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