Zombie Survival 101

Their are some stubborn people out their that says their ready for a zombie invasion but are they really take this quiz to see if you are Elite or a dumbass zombie...

ZOMBIES ARE COMING TAKE THIS QUIZ TO SEE IF YOU WILL LIVE OR HOW FAST you WILL dies and if you lived i will see you in hell or will i????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Created by: Blood

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You hear on the news about unknown violence happening in near you what do you do?
  2. You run and get a weapon. What weapon do you get?
  3. What would be you Primary,main, weapon?
  4. What would you do after you get your weapons?
  5. If you choose awnser 6 on the last question where would you drive too?
  6. When you get to the location what would you do?
  7. Now for the fun :D for me... 20 zombies are outside the location what do you do and if you don't act fast you will die!
  8. If you survived you escape and drove as fast as you could away on a ATV but you see a group of survivors who do you bring?
  9. Ok you choosen your people but wait you see a car on the side of the road PICK 1111111111 Not 2
  10. Ok your set but one last question WHERE WOULD YOU LIVE???
  11. Ok you choose all your things my boy now can you survive it out? Choose what would you do if a never-ending line of zombies were attacking your location

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